Ode to Airpods





O, AirPods even tho you are in my ear,

I have a song for you in hear.

Every time I take you out the case,

my ears get a stimulate spiculum.

Getting excited every time you are fully charged.

The satisfaction opening the top and putting you

in my ear.

You are a silky texture that makes 

my ears and heart go crazy.


Garoch / Pixabay

I go outside and play soccer. I sow some police driving past by my house. I started kicking the ball on the garage door it was making to much noise because my mom stuck her head out saying “ STOP! KICKING THE GARAGE DOOR!”. I stopped kicking the ball on the garage door. A butterfly was flying, so what I did is went chasing after it the butterfly. I went back inside the house, and I could smell my mom cooking, and it was making my mouth water. I sat down to eat. After that, I ran upstairs to watch Netflix. 



Would You Rather…?

Would you rather fly a helicopter or a commercial plane?

I would rather fly a helicopter because I can fly around in circles and do different movements in the air also I can fly by myself and with nobody telling me what to do.

would not like to fly a commercial plane because there are too many people, and by the time you get on the plane and out the plane, you lose time getting home or being where you need to be.